2023/12/20 Participation live (with intervention of the CEO) at the multiplying event in Blagoevgrad (project Bridging the Gap).
2023/12/08 Participation at the on-line event of the project "Bridging the Gap" organized in Craiova Romania
2023/11/01 We are in deep grief for the death of the founder and president of our centre (who served as president of the Serres Chamber of Commerce for a decade).
We will continue and develop our centre with the ammendments he inspired and delegated accordingly. RIP Ioannis Kafetzopoulos.
2023/08/10 Drop-out of our proposal for a project Erasmus+ (ICT first aid). The proposal and the dorp-out
2023/07/03 Speech of the CEO at the closing event of the INTERREG (STRENGTHEN) event at the Lead Partner (Chamber of Commerce of Serres)  (video)- audio - slides
2023/06/30 Submission of a funding proposal (LEADER program) "fostering entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Em. Pappas of Serres district"
2022/11/09 Participation at a "Contact Seminar" in Bucharest, organized by: EprojectConsult, Italy (photo-1) (photo-2)
2022/08/31 Anna Vakalou, Social Worker, retired and is now a member of the BIC od Serres team, specialized also in worker's safty.
2021/11/10 Rejected Erasmus KA1 becaused of missed update of information
2021/10/10 Rejected the proposal "Support to Innovation" for beurocratic forms incompatibility
2021/08/31 Automatic retirement as professor from the International Hellenic University, Department of Business Administration (because of age).
2020/02/05 A proposal was submitted about E-Shop creation & Management at the Erasmus+ program on behalf of the Central Macedonia Regional Training Center.
2020/02/05 A proposal was submitted about ICT First Aid at the Erasmus+ program.
2020/01/19 A project was submitted for becoming "Innovation Promoters" fro the Agri-food sector.
2019/10 Region of Calabria approved a training project in Data Base Management, but a University was needed and the TEI was incorporated in the International Hellenic University and this was not possible.
2019/07/10-19 Συμμετοχή στην τελική συγκέτρωση εργασίας στο Στρασβούρο και κλείσιμο του προγράμματος  EU4You.
2019/06/04 Η πρόταση του BIC (Πρώτες βοήθειες ΤΠΕ) εντάχθηκε στις επιλαχούσες
2019/06/04 Η πρόταση του ΚΕΔΙΒΙΜ της Περιφέρεια Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας απορρίφθηκε, μάλλον για τυπικές παραλείψεις.
2019-02-05 Υποβλήθηκε πρόταση Erasmus+ KA1 για λογαριασμό του Κέντρου Δια Βίου Μάθησης της Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας, με αντικείμενο τη δημιουργία και διαχείριση ηλεκτρονικών καταστημάτων.
2019/02/05  Erasmus+ KA1 - submitted "Training administrative personnel in ICT First Aid"
2018/11/27 - 2018/12/17 Shadow worker from Mexico Victoria Maldonato, under EU4You.
2018/10/24 -2018/11/7 Shadow worker from Peru,  Carlos Martin Mejia Espinoza, under EU4You.
2018/07/09-12 Participation of the CEO at the closing session of the  PAES project in  Amantea (Italy) where he presented a paper as representative of the TEI of Central Macedonia.
2018/07/09-12 Participation of the CEO at the closing technical meeting of  PAES  in Amantea with the presentation of a paper, under the role of the coordinator of the TEI team.
2018/06/09-18 Double participation of BIC in Cancun Mexico for the program  EU4You.
2018/05/29-30 Participation of the CEO at the  ΚΑ2 PAES (Sustainable building policy)
21/1/2018 BIC has undertaken the task of providing technical assistance to the Academic Conference of Development, mainly by the Agro-food sector.  https://www.serres.gr/agro18/
19/1/2018 BIC participated in the Kick-off meeting about Social Entrepreneurship "EU4You" in Blagoevgrad Bulgaria. https://www.activebulgariansociety.org/eu4you-kick-off
09/01/2018 The CEO delivered a seminar about the "Low technological & Scientific Content Innovations" at a meeting under the BICC of Sandaski.
010-013/10/2017 Conference presentation @ Brasov - Romania
    0/7/2017-1-20-0717 Participation at the Training Seminar bout sustainable building constructions. At the University of Calabria.
24/06/2016 The CEO delivered a speech about the Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the sector of agro-alimentation enterprises, in collaboration with the university of Nicosia (Cyprus)  at the Serres Chamber of Commerce, at the framework of the SEREXPO event.
05/11/2015 The CEO Ν. Karanasios accepted the invitation of the American University in Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria) and the representatives of the World Bank and presented at the meeting the quest for solvency of the SMEs. invitation - SLIDES
29-10-2015  The CEO delivered a speech at the event of the program Skills Ballancing: Agenda, slides, in Blagoevgrad
10/10/2014  The CEO, being also a tenure Assistant Professor at the TEI of Central Macedonia, accepted to present the Sectoral Studies, at the disposal of the Chamber of Commerce, at their facilities, every Tuesday evening.
1/5/2014 The CEO, at his duties as tenure Assistant Professor, accepted to coordinate the internship finance of the Department of Business Administration students.
2013 On March 26th, Successfully completed the ACINE Grundtvig workshop. Read more
2012 Approval of Grundtvig (non professional adults training) in Aesthetics - Creativity - Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ACINE) to take place in Serres from 15 to 26 of March 2013.
2012 Approved and implemented the Leonardo da Vinci project for 10 PLM (People in Labor Market) at the creation and management of Business Incubators (MANASKIN).
2011 Implementation of the project of EPANESER (TRITEMA - Training in Territorial Marketing)
2010 Application for a Leonardo da Vinci placement (people in labor market) on behalf of the Chamber Development Company (EPANESER)
2012/04/09 The CEO N. Karanasios visited Prilep (FYRoM) for signing an agreement concerning the Europe Aid program, for a proposal concerning the promotion of entrepreneurship in FYRoM, Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Turkey and Albania.

Has also agreed with the Civic Initiative Center to submit in common, under the leadership of the Serres Chamber of Commerce, at the 2nd call Greece-FYRoM.

2012/04/06 The Chamber of Commerce decided to assign the preparation of the proposal for the 2nd call for Greece-FYRoM Territorial Cooperation program, together with the Civiv Initiative Center of Prilep, the Chamber of Commerce of Prilep and the Farmers Association of Strumica.

The operating office has been transferred to P. Kostopoulou 12, 1st floor, office #8, at the very centre of Serres, in the same road and block with the Chamber of Commerce.

The CEO (Nikolaos Karanasios) is available every working day – except Tuesdays- from 08:30 to 14:00 and Wednesdays and Fridays also form 18:00 to 21:00.

From 01.11.2011 manager of the office is Mrs. Marina Mylonaki, Civil Engineer. From August 2012 she moved in Thessaloniki, representing a great loss for our entity...

From February 1st, Panagiotis Mavroudis, has taken ovver the position of the assistant general manager.

The CEO will be available from Thursday to Friday (under appointment).