About The Territory


The Strymon river, running from north to south (coming from Bulgaria) has created a crack, sided by one of the greatest Greek planes, surrounded by mountains.

The fertile fields have permitted over the centuries, the creation of settlements. Today there are more than 200 inhabited villages.

The river, although not navigable, has been one of the most common routes of trade between the Mediterranean communities and those in the north (mainly the Danube) and later over it.

Athenians colonized the Delta of the river, creating the Amphipolis port.

Philip and his son Alexander paid a significant attention, on one hand because of the affinity of the population, on the other hand because of he gold mines of Pangeon mountain and the adjacent Stagira (Halkidiki - where Aristotle was born).

The Roman Empire showed attention to the territory, with a secondary eye.

Stefan Dusan, emperor of the Serbs, declared Serres as his capital of the "Empire of the Serbs and the Greeks", time of prosperity and progress of Serres.

The Ottoman Empire, long before the siege of the "Byzantine Empire" had conquered Serres, staying there until 1913.

During the World War I and II, the territory has been the theatre of confrontations. At least two extensive fires destroyed most of the town buildings.

Modern Serres has kept little of its recent past, while older remainders are better conserved than the more recent ones. Very few houses and villas have been conserved.