Centro  di  Ingegneria  Economica  e  Sociale


Jacques Guenot

87030 Arcavacata di Rende (CS), ITALY

1. Introduction


Within the current geopolitical framework, the Mediterranean and the Central and Eastern Europe represent areas of strategic interest for Italy and the European Union from a political, cultural and economic point of view. The idea to establish  an International Network of Innovation Sensors was conceived within the Majise Project (1998), financed for CIES by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, which has obtained the High Support of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The project has the key objective to create a bridge between different cultural, political, economic and social realities in the Mediterranean Basin and in the Central and Eastern Europe.


2. International Network of Innovation Sensors Project


The International Network of Innovation Sensors Project has drawn the attention of UNESCO, which has considered it original and well-grounded, and has included it in the MOST (Management of Social Transformations) Programme of the Division of Social Science, Research and Policy.

The project's general reference falls within the framework of the so-called "knowledge-based economy", which constitutes a priority for the European Union as emphasised during the Lisbon European Council in March 2000.  The current scientific and cultural debate has pointed out that the determining factors for the competition of the so-called country systems, of the regional macro areas and of the local territories of the various companies are widely connected with know-how, culture, ability to accumulate knowledge, organisation and management of information flows, and finally the communication abilities of both organisations and individuals.


3. The Concept of Sensor


The concept of Sensor goes beyond the static and disciplinary approach of the traditional model of “Observatory” as:


§       An objective, which is not only to monitor reality, but to reveal and detect potential situations of cultural and social development which may have economic implications;

§       To stress the role of contexts rather than individual situations, commitment to value the existing networks and promote new ones;

§       To pursue the above objectives, the conception and the implementation of transdisciplinary methodologies and systems;

§       The presence of a two-directional project approach, whereby the first direction goes from the Sensor through the interpretation of local data and the second one – from the locality to the Sensor, urging directly;

§       Within this framework the transfer of technology and scientific innovation is mainly conceived as interactive and contextual development factor.


The concept of the Sensor is based on the underlying will “To Get Together”, “To Learn Together” and “To Work Together”, as well as to detect along with partner Universities the problems of the host country, and subsequently to elaborate programmes, which should contribute to the solution of problems. The Sensor implies the concept of “Gateway” recently adopted in the framework of EU policy framework, referring to privileged “Entrance Doors”, able to capture development opportunities, to bring innovation, to provide solutions by the means of a transdisciplinary know-how and direct involvement of institutions and business.


4. Objectives of the Sensors

The project is based on the creation of Innovation Sensors, amplifiers and diffusers of knowledge, within and in co-operation with prestigious local academic institutions such as universities and research centres. The Innovation Sensors will initially be organised as study centres where local and Italian researchers will work jointly. The Sensors will pursue various activities of scientific, technical and educational co-operation, i.e. the promotion of meetings and seminars on specific themes connected with development, such as transport, energy, telecommunications. On the basis of shared knowledge and experience the Sensors have the task to draft proposals, elaborate projects, activate and organise partnerships and resources within the framework of the EU and other international organisations. These projects will be then submitted to international organisations and in particular – the EU for possible funding. Another key function of the Sensor is to act as a liaison between scientific and economic institutions in the involved countries, such as Research Centres, political institutions, industry and business.


5. International Network of Innovation Sensors

At present the following Sensors have been set up:

§       Sofia Sensor – in cooperation with the University of Sofia and the Technical University of Sofia

§       Belgrade Sensor – in cooperation with the University of Belgrade

§       Romanian Network of Sensors – in cooperation with the National School for Political and Administrative Studies (Bucharest), Iasi Sensor - with the Technical University and Timisoara Sensor - with the University “Politehnica

§       Syrian Sensor – in cooperation with the Universities of Damascus and Aleppo


In addition, the following Sensors are expected to be opened in the near future in the following countries: Malta, Albania, Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon, Morrocco, Greece, Tunisia and Palestine - Israel.


6. The Scientific Technical Board


The Scientific Technical Board assists the Director by examining the programmes, proposing research projects in specific sectors and applying for funds from public and/or private organisations. It keeps contacts with researchers, promotes the dissemination of research outcomes and encourages co-operation through the publication of articles in specialised Italian and international reviews. The board has the task to intensify the contacts with interested countries in order to affirm the presence and promote the image of Italy in the Mediterranean and in the Central and Eastern Europe.

The Scientific Technical Board, which meets every six months at CIES Headoffice, gathers the following members:


Min. Antonio Badini

Director for the Mediterranean and Middle East Countries. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Lucio Caracciolo

Director of LIMES Review

Mr. Francesco Corrias

Ambassador - Co-ordinator of the Stability Pact for Southern and Eastern Europe

General Department for European Countries

Prof. Carlo Jean  (President)

Professor at Luiss (International University of Social Studies) - Rome

Prof. Paolo Savona

President of the Fondo Interbancario Tutela Depositi

Prof. Domenico SINISCALCO

President of Fondazione ENI - E. Mattei

Prof. Giorgio SZEGO

Professor in Economy of Monetary and Financial Markets - Università La Sapienza- Rome

Mr. Francesco Zaccarelli - Secretary of the Scientific Technical Board

Solicitor in Pesaro

7. Conclusion

The project has the clear objective – now more than ever relevant, after September 11th and while the winds of war are blowing across the Atlantic – to create a bridge between different cultures, political, economic and social realities. The Project falls within particular historical and geopolitical context  (The New World Order), established at the end of 1989, after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Since then the process of globalisation has been strongly accelerated, giving the Mediterranean a relevant role in the world economy and in the same time – restoring its strategic political position. In the light of the above events, it is even more necessary to renew the dialogue, co-operation and  commerce. As a mosaic of diversities, the Mediterranean is an area where the presence of a Network of academic diplomacy is crucial for the peaceful co-existence and for promoting of multiethnic community.